Jumat, 08 April 2011


"Sony Collaborate With Intel launches PlayStation 4"
Anything new coming from the Sony, which reportedly now working with Intel. Both are collaborating to launch the next generation Nintendo Wii console. Sony itself is now engaged in the design of the PlayStation 4.

When Sony launched the PS3 first party, the company argued that these game consoles will be around ten years old. It seems, however, the developers do not mind to think ahead and are now being experimented with new designs next-generation game machine.

The Sony allegedly are designing designs based on the Intel Larrabee processor will be launched with integrated graphics, but now Intel's own party was delaying the launch of the processor. This means that most likely Larrabee processor will not be able to compete with AMD's latest processor and graphics from NVIDIA. They say the Sony is considering the draft designs based on multi-core CPUs.

Multi-core or sea-of-gates ASIC arrays

System Level Integration: Multi-Core CPU or Multi-Chip ASIC Arrays
Manufacturers of these consoles are now seeing some of the architectural design of Cell, which is used in the PlayStation 3. This architecture is more difficult to apply in future implementations, which may have contributed to the PlayStation 3 which has made ​​the company a loss for every PS3 console sold Slim.

Not yet clear when the PS4 would be out but it looks like Sony's own party would be more careful in designing the new console.

It is said that the PlayStation 4 will have a very futuristic look, like the concept of this design.

This is the look slim Playstation 4 versions that have been awarded the best design concept of the PlayStation community.

Apart from the community, famous designers such as Bajaj Darpan any follow-up create the design concept for the Playstation 4.


that this is his new concept ...


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