Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Google Pagerank Algorithm

Google Pagerank Algorithm is not a complicated thing. Although it is composed of mathematical formulas, but you need not bother with this because for the calculation of PageRank itself has been done by Google without us asking. But for those of you who want to target the blog to be able to rise to a higher pagerank, you should understand the algorithm to increase google pagerank blog.

Google pagerank algorithm formula :

PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (T1) / C (T1) + ... + PR (Tn) / C (Tn))

PR (A) is the PageRank of page A
PR (T1) is the PageRank of page T1 leading to A
C (T1) is the number of outbound links from the page T1
d is a dumping factor in the range 0-1, usually set with a value of 0.85

From google pagerank algorithm can be concluded that the influence increased pagerank blog is the number of inbound links (links that go to our blog) and outbound links (links that come out of our blog). So, if the more inbound links will get better, and the increase pagerank blog. And the fewer outbound links the better. With this understanding, if there is a PR 4 blog and there are two outbound links as one link towards your blog, then 4 / 2 = 2 you will also get pagerank 2 of the blog had such a high PageRank.

Actually not quite so simple to calculate pagerank google blog. Google will also take into account whether the incoming links are still not relevant to the topic of blogs, or whether those links come from link which is prohibited by google or not. If your blog is getting lots of links coming from a malicious link (like from blogs warez, ddl, porn, etc) rather than increase the pagerank of your blog, but dropped the PageRank of your blog.

To set the number of outbound links, we can use a url redirecting service. This will help minimize the number of outbound links are too much. Because the links are out only one of the url that we use.


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