Senin, 11 April 2011

Founder of Java Join With Google Corporation

Does anyone know James Gosling? He is the founder or a pioneer of the Java programming language. Reportedly the Java programming language developers has now announced that he has joined or go to the internet giant Google. This he announced himself through his personal blog.

James Gosling himself had been the one of the key figures in JAVA first before Sun Microsystems was acquired or purchased by Oracle, but because Sun Microsystems bought by Oracle is 2010, reportedly behind the disappointment to make it out of Oracle with his last position as Chief Technology Officer in April 2010.

Reported by via page PCMag, Tuesday (29 / 3) James Gosling is the creator of Java programming language has been joined, anchored, and accept a position at Google since resigned from the April 2010 Oracle ago. "I started working on Google today. One of the hardest things in my life is to make a decision, I had previously been rejected several good possibilities. "

Unfortunately James Gosling did not reveal what position they occupy on Google. As is known, James Gosling himself pioneered the Java programming language since the 1990's and Sun Microsystems introduced Java in around 1995 which later in 2010 ago, the company she worked at the same time work was bought by Oracle.

source : PcMag


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